It may be spooky season but being a practicing witch is a full time gig. There are a number of witch "labels," many of which overlap. Today we're digging up the dirt on what makes a Green Witch!
Green Witchcraft refers to communing with elements of the Earth - specifically plants - to heal yourself and others. It’s all about being attuned with the natural world and knowing yourself to be a part of that greater whole. If you’ve ever felt grounded by and drawn to gardening, tending houseplants, making salves, pressing flowers, or brewing your own tea, Green Witchery may be your path! If you choose to take it, that is.

Here are a few simple rituals to start you off on the Green Witch path. Now remember, there are no hard rules to forming a ritual, you can adapt all of these to fit your life. We looked to practicing witch, @thewoodlandwitch for a few of these ritual tutorials. We definitely recommend giving them a follow on Tik Tok. Alright, now on to our spells.
Manifestation Ritual
Collect a pinecone. Write a list of manifestations in present tense on a piece of paper and tear into small strips. Roll up the strips and tuck in between the pinecone petals. Place your sweet pinecone into a bowl or cup and cover with herbs of your choice. Different herbs attract different things but it’s really about what intention you put in. Refer here for a list of manifestation herbs. Then, drip wax from a favorite or significant candle. Burn your pinecone when your manifestations are achieved!
Prosperity Spell
Find yourself some dry bay leaves. Using a sharpie, write on each bay leaf the amount of money you seek and other financial goals. Hold onto your bay leaves for a while. You could tuck them into your wallet or leave them in a safe place in your home. Once you are filled with positive energy about your goal, safely burn the bay leaves and intentionally dispose of them. Now go get that money!
Fill a bowl with pink salt, this represents protection from self-doubt. Now, you can add in the herbs of your liking. Here’s what the @thewoodlandwitch uses: rose buds for confidence and self-love, lavender for easing anxiety, rosemary to know your worth, cinnamon for love and a rose quartz. Now add a piece of jewelry you wear most often, light a pink candle, stare into the flame, feel the heat from the bowl and say your affirmations.
Brew Intention
A simple tea ritual. Brew a cup of tea using herbs that fit your manifestation. You can refer back to this list if you want. Swirl a spoon in your tea three times clockwise while thinking (or speaking) your intention each time. Pinkies up!
Happy spell-casting, witches!
Want to learn more?
Online Resources from Practicing Witches
The Green Witch, Arin Murphy-Hiscock
Blackthorn’s Botanical Magic, Amy Blackthorn
Green Witchcraft, Ann Moura
Year of the Witch, Temperance Alden
Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs, Scott Cunningham