After my husband and I were married, we spent five weeks in Europe. At the time, I was planning on launching some organic skincare products and went into pharmacia after pharmacia when we were in Italy to see what sort of products all those beautiful Italian women were buying. I treated myself to a bottle of Acqua Distillata alle Rose and my love of rose came back to me in full force. I used it every day for the rest of our trip until the bottle ran out. That was a sad day indeed.
When I returned home, I was determined to bring this intoxicating scent to my everyday skincare routine and ended up creating the Rose Serum. I first began selling it at a small store here on North Haven island and it quickly became the bestselling product in my line.
I use it every single day and it's definitely the one product I cannot live without. If you also use it, be sure to tag your bottle on Instagram and let us know what you think!