Where The Heck I've Been

Where The Heck I've Been

What. A. Year.

And I mean that most sincerely. When I found out I was pregnant with my son, it was the most exciting news ever. It also happened just as business was booming. And as we broke ground on our new home. Life, am I right?

I decided to take some time for myself and my family and give the business a pause. I knew it was a risk, especially when customers were hoping for refills and wondering where the heck I went.

But over the past few months not only have we built a home, but a family too. I welcome Austin into the world on Father's Day and for twelve solid weeks, my focus was just on being his Mom.


Now that we are in our home (it's still not done), I'm in the new IA digs (again, halfway there) and my son is sleeping through the night, things have resumed to normal again. Or at least a new normal!

I've also taken the summer to test products from other organic beauty lines. It has confirmed for me what I always knew: our products are just as good as the ones that cost double what we charge. 

Our mission remains simple. Make organic beauty products sustainable and affordable, because they shouldn't be a splurge. We are committed to this now more than ever.

Thank you friends for sticking with us. We're back and better than ever!

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