Night Cap Serum: The Story Behind Our Latest Launch

Night Cap Serum: The Story Behind Our Latest Launch

I'm not sure how to talk about aging.

My thirties crept up on me without much cause for alarm. But I'm starting to see the signs of a life well-lived: a gray hair on my head, a stubborn chin hair on my face, and three distinct wrinkles on my forehead, mostly due to a terrible case of scrunching my face when I write.

Aging doesn't bother me. But I want to look good while I'm doing it.

Call it vanity if you want, but I'd love to look in a mirror fifty years from now and think, "There you are. I still recognize you."

I hemmed and hawed over whether to create a night serum that "fought aging". I don't want to be one of those brands that thinks we should fight time and try to look 24 years-old forever. But I do want to take the very best care of my skin starting now. And I want that for you too.

Since our culture uses a lot of scare tactics to force women into spending lots of money to fight time, I wanted to simplify it. This is a product you can add to your routine right after cleansing at night. Like all of our products, it's made from the very best oils in the world. And it IS going to help you look younger longer.

Night Serum

We are using the same oils in serums that are four times the price of our product. How? Well, we aren't all about the Benjamins, baby. And the core of what we do is to try and bring world-class organic skin solutions to women at an affordable price. This is our most expensive product because it's most expensive to make. But we wanted to create a world-class night serum for less than $50. And we've done just that.

The one thing all of the oils in our Night Cap Serum have in common is that they are going to boost cell turnover in your skin and continue to decrease fine lines and plump up your collagen to keep that elasticity taut and youthful. And it's all made from organic material so you don't have to worry about any of those scary chemicals doing it for you.

I list the full ingredients on the Night Cap Serum page and as with anything, don't ever hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about the product.

Put it on before bed and stop worrying about aging. There's a lot of other things we can worry about in the world today, so let me make room for more stuff that matters.

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